you are hello to welcome here . i heart you erat erat . tak ingin melupakan mu . sentiasa mengiginkan mu . kamu pun tahu tentang semua tuh . -,-

Saturday 30 April 2011


 happy birthday to you , happy birthday to you , happy birthday to yoouuu , happy birthday to my awesome mamy . YEAH (!) wish you all success in your life , always stay pretty , be healthy , and the most important is be the SUPERB mamy ever for us :D yeah , yeah , year . how old uda yaa umur mamy kuh neh ? haha . bgos ak pie mateekk laa lw anak sndr nda tw umur mamy baa . :) wawawwaaahh . what's your wishes mamy for your birthday today ? you wanted me to success in SPM ? amiiinnnn . i hope that too ;) 

 na na naahhh . tuh laa ary neh going to tawau because of we wanted to celebrate our mamy's birthday . oh yeah (!) tawau marreeee ~ hehe . tuh laa semngat ak neh bgun awal-2 pgi laei tuk prepare ap y ptut . seseseeehhh . pnya laa maen teruja ak neh kaliikkkk laaa . nahh ! ayat cikgu moral kuh baa tuh . kikikiki :D btw , for you mamy . so sorry i didn't have much money to give you a special gift . but , i promise to my self that i will be the good daughter for you mamy , and most of all i'll promise that i will score A in SPM . amin ! hope you hear that god :D 

 today story is all about my superb mamy . YEAH (!) my mamy neh kan sorang y cepat t'sntuh oww . exple laa : lw tinguk citer or movie y "emo-2" neh kan , mamy kuh mst nagess man . OMG , so kdang-2 tuh ak neh pun t'ikut-2 nages juak laa . hehe :P selain itu , [ceehhh , ayat tuh bhu] mamy kuh neh suka memasak . naahh , msak ap ? mamy kuh suka msak bhgian makanan "desert-2" nehh . agagaga . lw ad free jaa , trus laa tuh dea pie msak kek sna . yeah (!) enak oww . hihikk . mamy kuh neh juga so so so caring oww . sket cket trus hura-hara joww keadaan . huhu . seterusnya pula , mamy juga sorang y kuat merajuk . haha . bkn ak mw kutuk mamy . tp kenyataan kan ? bila ad jaa pndangan y b'lainan ngan c dady trus majok laa tuh sii mamy kuh . naahhh . jan majok slalu yaa mamy kuh . hehe :D ap-2 pun kekurangan or kelebihan drimu wahai mamy kuh . I ALWAYS LOVING YOU MY MAMY (!) OH YEAH (!) hehe . bhu , chaw cin cau luk bb ak nak b'siap-2 neh mw hangout going to twau with my family . kbai ~

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